Special issue: Freight transport analysis and intermodality
Special Issues: Freight transport analysis and intermodality
Borruso, Giacomo and Danielis, Romeo – From Trasporti Europei to European Transport \ Trasporti Europei, pp. 1-3
Macharis, Cathy and Marcucci, Edoardo – Introduction, pp. 3-8.
Zotti, Jacopo and Danielis, Romeo – Freight transport demand in the mechanical sector of Friuli Venezia Giulia: the choice between intermodal and road transport, pp. 9-20
Marcucci, Edoardo and Scaccia, Luisa – Mode choice models with attribute cutoffs analysis: the case of freight transport in the Marche region, pp. 21-32
Bergantino, Angela Stefania and Bolis, Simona – An analysis of maritime Ro-Ro freight transport service attributes through adaptive stated preference: an application to a sample of freight forwarders, pp.33-51
Rudel, Roman – Evaluation of quality attributes in the freight transport market. Stated preference experiments in Switzerland, pp. 52-60
Wiegmans, Bart, Rietveld, Piet and Nijkamp, Peter – Container terminal handling quality, pp. 61-80
Konings, Rob – How to boost market introduction of foldable containers? The unexpected role of the container lease industry, pp. 81-88
van Ham, Johannes Cornelius – The feasibility of mega container vessels, pp. 89-98
Kreutzberger, Ekki – The shipper’s perspective on distance and time (in intermodal goods transport) and the operator’s response, pp. 99-113
Macharis, Cathy -The importance of stakeholder analysis in freight transport: The MAMCA methodology, pp. 114-126