Circa wp_6399644

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Finora wp_6399644 ha creato 125 post nel blog.

Public Transport-Based Crowdshipping for Sustainable City Logistics: Assessing Economic and Environmental Impacts

Di |2024-12-05T15:52:06+00:00Dicembre 5th, 2024|

Public Transport-Based Crowdshipping for Sustainable City Logistics: Assessing Economic and Environmental Impacts This paper aims at understanding and evaluating the environmental and economic impacts of a crowdshipping platform in urban areas. The investigation refers to the city of Rome and considers an environmental-friendly crowdshipping based on the use of the mass transit network of the city, [...]

Sustainable urban freight transport adopting public transport-based crowdshipping for B2C deliveries

Di |2024-12-05T15:46:52+00:00Dicembre 5th, 2024|

Sustainable urban freight transport adopting public transport-based crowdshipping for B2C deliveries Cities crave innovative logistics solutions dealing with the requirements of the ‘on demand economy’. The paper estimates the willingness to act as a crowdshipper (supply) and to buy a crowdshipping service (demand) to get goods delivered/picked-up in the last mile B2C e-commerce situation. Specifically, [...]

Crowdshipping: il potenziale di un sistema di consegna alternativo

Di |2024-12-05T15:45:30+00:00Dicembre 5th, 2024|

Crowdshipping: il potenziale di un sistema di consegna alternativo Il crowdshipping applica il concetto di crowdsourcing alla consegna personalizzata delle merci. Rappresenta un'alternativa ai tradizionali sistemi di consegna, particolarmente adatta all’e-commerce. I benefici potenziali del crowdshipping per la riduzione dell'inquinamento e della congestione potrebbero essere ottenuti perché si eviterebbero alcune consegne ad-hoc. Tuttavia, gli impatti [...]

Estimation of consistent Logit and Probit models using best, worst and best–worst choices

Di |2024-12-05T15:43:37+00:00Dicembre 5th, 2024|

Estimation of consistent Logit and Probit models using best, worst and best–worst choices The paper considers random utility models that use a single common vector of random utilities for the computation of best, worst and best–worst choice probabilities, i.e. consistent models. Choice probabilities are derived for two distributions of the random terms: i.i.d. extreme value, [...]

The 2020 Italian Spring Lockdown: A Multidisciplinary Analysis over the Milan Urban Area

Di |2024-12-05T15:41:50+00:00Dicembre 5th, 2024|

The 2020 Italian Spring Lockdown: A Multidisciplinary Analysis over the Milan Urban Area TRElab member Ila Maltese, together with some colleagues of the Parthenope University of Naples, wrote “The 2020 Italian Spring Lockdown: A Multidisciplinary Analysis over the Milan Urban Area” published in the newborn Sustainability companion journal "World" on August 2nd, 2021. The paper correlates [...]

Analyzing Tourists’ Preferences: Milan’s waterway case

Di |2024-12-05T15:40:56+00:00Dicembre 5th, 2024|

Analyzing Tourists’ Preferences: Milan's waterway case On August 1st, 2021 the volume Tourism and Regional Science edited by Soushi Suzuki, Karima Kourtit and Peter Nijkamp was published in the series "New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives" on Springer aiming at exploring "the  interwoven connections between regional science research and tourism research" TRElab member Ila [...]

Lyon–Turin High–Speed rail project: a careful review of the past evaluations

Di |2024-12-05T15:38:12+00:00Dicembre 5th, 2024|

Lyon–Turin High–Speed rail project: a careful review of the past evaluations TRElab member Ila Maltese, together with Jérôme Massiani, researcher of the University of Milano-Bicocca , wrote “Thirty years of socio-economic evaluation of the Lyon–Turin High–Speed rail project” published in the journal “Research In Transportation Economics” on March 21st, 2022. The paper reviews the past evaluations [...]

Quali sono gli effetti del pagamento del parcheggio sulla scelta modale dei lavoratori? Implicazioni sulle politiche dei trasporti

Di |2024-12-05T14:21:13+00:00Dicembre 5th, 2024|

I datori di lavoro spesso forniscono ai dipendenti un parcheggio agevolato o gratuito presso gli uffici. Ciò distorce i prezzi relativi ai tragitti casa-lavoro alternativi e produce inefficienze nel mercato dei trasporti. Per mitigare questa distorsione dei prezzi, questo studio suggerisce il parking cash-out come una politica efficace ed efficiente per ridurre l’utilizzo di auto [...]

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