Multi-level governance and transport policy: the case of local roads in Italy

Di |2024-12-06T09:12:16+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

Multi-level governance and transport policy: the case of local roads in Italy Italy is a multi-level polity where policymaking and implementation involves both public and private actors. Both territorial and functional decentralisation have an impact on the final results of policy making. In fact, territorial decentralisation implies the delegation of functions to wide multi-purpose tiers [...]

Intra-agent heterogeneity in urban freight distribution: the case of own-account operators

Di |2024-12-06T08:44:31+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

Intra-agent heterogeneity in urban freight distribution: the case of own-account operators Urban freight distribution policies aim to improve the efficiency of deliveries of goods in cities. Local policy makers intervene on rooted, complex and pre-existent relationships. Various are the agents, both collaborating and competing, involved in providing and buying freight distribution services. Retailers, transport providers and [...]

Logistics managers’ stated preferences for freight service attributes: a comparative research method analysis

Di |2024-12-06T08:30:04+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

Logistics managers’ stated preferences for freight service attributes: a comparative research method analysis This chapter reviews a set of articles, based on stated preferences techniques, focusing on logistics managers' preferences for freight transport attributes with the intent of assessing the quality of knowledge applied esearch has produced, its reliability and transferability. The review performed indicates that [...]

Urban freight transport policy changes: improving decision makers’ awareness via an agent-specific approach

Di |2024-12-06T08:29:23+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

Urban freight transport policy changes: improving decision makers’ awareness via an agent-specific approach This paper derives policy implications from agent-specific data with respect to the implementation of policy changes in the case of urban freight transport. In particular, the research, based on the case of Rome's Limited Traffic Zone, discusses alternative policy scenarios. After describing attribute [...]

Behavioral modeling in urban freight transport

Di |2024-12-06T08:28:20+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

Behavioral modeling in urban freight transport Decision makers in urban goods movement (UGM) typically need to assess the impact new policy interventions might have on freight distribution. The effects of policy changes are inextricably related with the extant regulatory framework that also influences the relationships among the various actors interacting along the supply chain. The [...]

De Gustibus Disputandum Est: Non-Linearity in Public Transportation Service Quality Evaluation

Di |2024-12-06T08:26:21+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

De Gustibus Disputandum Est: Non-Linearity in Public Transportation Service Quality Evaluation User perceptions of service quality are essential to promote public transport ridership and trigger positive externalities. Therefore, research efforts need to analyze service quality from the point of view of users. This article builds on the stream of works studying perceptions of public transport service [...]

Special Issue: Measuring Service Quality and Local Public Transport Performance

Di |2024-12-06T08:25:06+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

Special Issue: Measuring Service Quality and Local Public Transport Performance The articles included in this special issue investigate new tools and approaches to assess the service quality and performance of local public transport. The contributions target different levels of analysis, ranging from a theoretical focus, to methodological developments and applied case studies providing evidence from real [...]

Regulating Transport in Europe

Di |2024-12-06T08:24:09+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

Regulating Transport in Europe This article concerns the regulation of transport within a European context, covering air, inland waterways, rail, road passenger and freight, urban public transport, and short sea shipping. Marcucci, E., (2014), "Regulating Transport in Europe", Regional Studies, 48 (7), pp. 1308-1309

Stakeholder-specific data acquisition and urban freight policy evaluation: evidence, implications and new suggestions

Di |2024-12-05T21:25:02+00:00Dicembre 5th, 2024|

Stakeholder-specific data acquisition and urban freight policy evaluation: evidence, implications and new suggestions Cities, characterised by scarce resources and facing increasing citizens’ requests for more liveable and attractive environments, need to define and implement more efficient urban freight transport policy interventions. It is strategically relevant to perform an ex-ante in-depth policy evaluation. The paper aims [...]

On finite sample performance of confidence intervals methods for willingness to pay measures

Di |2024-12-05T21:23:49+00:00Dicembre 5th, 2024|

On finite sample performance of confidence intervals methods for willingness to pay measures This paper systematically compares finite sample performances of methods to build confidence intervals for willingness to pay measures in a choice modeling context. It contributes to the field by also considering methods developed in other research fields. Various scenarios are evaluated under [...]

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