
Di |2024-12-06T09:59:45+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

COVID-19: il diverso utilizzo dei mezzi di trasporto negli spostamenti abituali, prima, durante e dopo l’emergenza sanitaria Lo scorso 31 gennaio, in seguito alla segnalazione di un cluster di casi di polmonite in Cina, nella città di Wuhan, il Consiglio dei ministri ha deliberato lo stato di emergenza sanitaria per l’epidemia da corona virus. In [...]

Critical thinking – Il futuro delle supply chains dopo Covid-19

Di |2024-12-06T09:57:15+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

Il futuro delle supply chains dopo Covid-19 Sotto l’effetto pervasivo della globalizzazione, le catene di approvvigionamento internazionali (supply chains) – note anche come catene del valore globali (GVC) – si sono moltiplicate. Il livello di dipendenza da queste catene di approvvigionamento varia su base settoriale e in relazione alla capacità delle imprese e dei sistemi [...]

Special issue: Deregulation and vertical separation in the railway sector

Di |2024-12-06T09:55:45+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

Special issue: Deregulation and vertical separation in the railway sector Special Issue on Theoretical issues and institutional design: Edoardo Marcucci -The Motivations of Debate, pp.2-5 John Preston - The Transaction Cost Economics of Railway, pp. 6-15 Chris Nash, Bryan Matthews - Implementing Marginal Cost Pricing of Rail Infrastructure-Barriers and Solutions, pp. 16-24 Edoardo Marcucci -The [...]

Bottleneck road congestion pricing with a competing railroad service

Di |2024-12-06T09:54:35+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

Bottleneck road congestion pricing with a competing railroad service The paper examines the efficiency of different road pricing regimes in reducing the total costs of travel when a competing railroad service is available. Extending the two-mode model developed by Tabuchi (1993), we show that when the railroad fare is set equal to average cost the [...]

Individual uncertainty and the political acceptability of road pricing policies

Di |2024-12-06T09:53:16+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

Individual uncertainty and the political acceptability of road pricing policies This paper presents a model regarding the role and relevance of individual specific uncertainty in explaining the acceptability of road pricing policies (RPP). The main assumptions of the model are: 1) decisions concerning the adoption of RPP are taken by politicians who operate under a [...]

Special issue: Freight transport analysis and intermodality

Di |2024-12-06T09:52:33+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

Special issue: Freight transport analysis and intermodality Special Issues: Freight transport analysis and intermodality Borruso, Giacomo and Danielis, Romeo - From Trasporti Europei to European Transport \ Trasporti Europei, pp. 1-3 Macharis, Cathy and Marcucci, Edoardo - Introduction, pp. 3-8. Zotti, Jacopo and Danielis, Romeo - Freight transport demand in the mechanical sector of Friuli [...]

Logistics managers’ stated preferences for freight service attributes

Di |2024-12-06T09:51:05+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

Logistics managers’ stated preferences for freight service attributes This paper reports the results of an adaptive conjoint analysis (ACA) experiment performed in two Italian regions that estimates logistics managers’ preferences for freight service attributes. Two sets of estimates have been obtained: (a) the utilities associated to each attribute level for each experiment, and (b) the [...]

Special issue: Pricing, Financing, and Investment in Transport

Di |2024-12-06T09:48:36+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

Special issue: Pricing, Financing, and Investment in Transport Editors.: De Palma, A., Marcucci, E., Niskanen, E., Verhoef, E. De Palma, A., Marcucci, E., Niskanen, E., Verhoef, E. - Introduction, pp. 1-3. Abbes, S. - Marginal social cost pricing in European seaports, pp. 4-26 Beria, P. - Transport megaprojects in Italy. A comparative analysis of economic [...]

Attribute cut-offs in freight service selection

Di |2024-12-06T09:47:08+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

Attribute cut-offs in freight service selection The paper applies the choice model incorporating attribute cut-offs proposed by [Swait, J.D., 2001. A non-compensatory choice model incorporating attribute cutoffs. Transportation Research: Part B 35 (10), 903–928] to evaluate shippers’ preferences for freight service attributes. A stated preference experiment on a sample of Italian manufacturing firms shows that [...]

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