A behavioral assessment of parking and pricing urban freight transport policies

Di |2024-12-05T20:57:13+00:00Dicembre 5th, 2024|

A behavioral assessment of parking and pricing urban freight transport policies Decision makers in urban goods movement (UGM) typically need to assess the impact new policy interventions might have on freight distribution. The effects of policy changes are inextricably related with the extant regulatory framework that also influences the relationships among the various actors inter-acting [...]

Le politiche per la mobilità urbana sostenibile. Le sfide del futuro

Di |2024-12-05T20:56:23+00:00Dicembre 5th, 2024|

Le politiche per la mobilità urbana sostenibile. Le sfide del futuro About 70% of the continent’s population lives in European cities; here over 80% of total GDP is generated; about 23% of total CO2 emissions are produced by the transport sector and congestion causes inefficiencies of around € 80 billion a year. This volume analyzes [...]

Come valutare l’accettabilità delle politiche sulla logistica urbana? Integrazione di modelli di scelta discreta e modelli basati sull’agente

Di |2024-12-05T20:55:15+00:00Dicembre 5th, 2024|

Come valutare l’accettabilità delle politiche sulla logistica urbana? Integrazione di modelli di scelta discreta e modelli basati sull’agente Questo documento discute i potenziali vantaggi della combinazione di modelli a scelta discreta (DCM) e modelli basati sull’agente (ABM), per fornire un'analisi degli attori della logistica urbana e supportare il loro coinvolgimento nella pianificazione della logistica urbana. [...]

Measuring the effects of an urban freight policy package defined via a collaborative governance model

Di |2024-12-05T20:53:18+00:00Dicembre 5th, 2024|

Measuring the effects of an urban freight policy package defined via a collaborative governance model In recent years the European Commission has increasingly focused its attention on the development of sustainable city logistics by promulgating legislation and formal directives. Despite the efforts made, reducing freight-related congestion and polluting emissions without penalising social and economic activities [...]

Role-playing games as a mean to validate agent-based models: an application to stakeholder-driven urban freight transport policy-making

Di |2024-12-05T20:52:18+00:00Dicembre 5th, 2024|

Role-playing games as a mean to validate agent-based models: an application to stakeholder-driven urban freight transport policy-making Agent-based models (ABMs) are widely used to replicate transport environments accounting for interaction among stakeholders. Validation of ABMs implies assessing the extent to which the model, from assumptions to results, is capable of approximating reality. To this end, [...]

Towards a decision-support procedure to foster stakeholder involvement and acceptability of urban freight transport policies

Di |2024-12-05T20:48:18+00:00Dicembre 5th, 2024|

Towards a decision-support procedure to foster stakeholder involvement and acceptability of urban freight transport policies This paper addresses the complex problem of multi-stakeholder decisions in urban freight transport policy-making from a public authority perspective, by proposing a procedure based on a modelling approach to support stakeholder involvement in the decision-making process. The paper analyses the existing methods [...]

Investigating the potential for off-hour deliveries in the city of Rome: Retailers’ perceptions and stated reactions

Di |2024-12-05T20:45:42+00:00Dicembre 5th, 2024|

Investigating the potential for off-hour deliveries in the city of Rome: Retailers' perceptions and stated reactions This paper investigates the potential for off-hour deliveries in the city of Rome. It focuses on retailers that play a fundamental role in the decision making process often determining delivery times. It explores their preferences for three off-hour delivery prototypes [...]

Smart urban freight planning process: integrating desk, living lab and modelling approaches in decision-making

Di |2024-12-05T20:44:36+00:00Dicembre 5th, 2024|

Smart urban freight planning process: integrating desk, living lab and modelling approaches in decision-making This paper proposes an innovative approach to decision-making processes for urban freight planning that could easily be transferred across cities while capable of jointly taking into account: (1) all the conceivable and updated urban freight transport (UFT) measures that should apply [...]

Connected shared mobility for passengers and freight: Investigating the potential of crowdshipping in urban areas

Di |2024-12-05T20:42:34+00:00Dicembre 5th, 2024|

Connected shared mobility for passengers and freight: Investigating the potential of crowdshipping in urban areas Passengers and freight mobility in urban areas represents an increasingly relevant component of modern city life. On one side, it fosters economic growth, but, on the other, it also generates high social costs. Congestion and pollution are two problems policy-makers [...]

Using Repeated-Measurement Stated Preference Data to Investigate Users’ Attitudes Towards Automated Buses Within Major Facilities

Di |2024-12-05T20:40:37+00:00Dicembre 5th, 2024|

Using Repeated-Measurement Stated Preference Data to Investigate Users’ Attitudes Towards Automated Buses Within Major Facilities The paper reports on the results of an investigation about users’ attitudes towards automated and conventional minibuses for routes within major facilities. A common stated preference questionnaire has been used in four European cities. The econometric analysis is based on [...]

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