TRElab Seminar: “Freight trip generation: methods and applications”

Di |2024-12-06T10:17:03+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

TRElab Seminar: "Freight trip generation: methods and applications" Seminar: "Freight trip generation: methods and applications" Speaker: Iván Sánchez-Díaz (Division of Service Management and Logistics, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) Abstract: The seminar discusses • The Urban Freight Platform; • Introduction; • Freight trip generation modeling; • The case of Gothenburg; • FTG numbers from around [...]

TRElab Seminar: “Freight and Service Activity Generation Models in Urban Areas”

Di |2024-12-06T10:16:20+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

TRElab Seminar: "Freight and Service Activity Generation Models in Urban Areas" Seminar: "Freight and Service Activity Generation Models in Urban Areas" Speaker: Diana Ramirez-Rios (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, in Transportation Engineering) To understand the magnitude of freight and service activities (FSA) in urban areas it was necessary to study the impact of economic activity in metropolitan [...]

Presentations and videos of the NECTAR workshop, March 22/23 2019

Di |2024-12-06T10:15:30+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

Presentations and videos of the NECTAR workshop, March 22/23 2019 The presentations and videos from the NECTAR workshop on “Transport Infrastructures: Investments, Evaluation and Regional Economic Growth” (22/23 March 2019) are now available. The workshop was hosted by TRElab in the Department of Political Sciences of the University Roma Tre on the 22nd and 23rd of [...]

TRElab Seminar: “End-to-End supply chain” (04/12/2019)

Di |2024-12-06T10:14:25+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

TRElab Seminar: "End-to-End supply chain" (04/12/2019) Seminar: "Freight and Service Activity Generation Models in Urban Areas" Speaker: Amedeo Nanni (MSD Italia) The management of the distribution chain with the E2E, or end-to-end methodology, refers to the set of processes, people and knowledge that guarantee greater cooperation between all the various actors that make up the [...]

TRElab Seminar: “Modelling time allocation with discrete-continuous models”

Di |2024-12-06T10:12:13+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

TRElab Seminar: "Modelling time allocation with discrete-continuous models" Seminar: "Modelling time allocation with discrete-continuous models" Speaker: Chiara Calastri (Choice Modelling Centre and Institute for Transport Studies University of Leeds, UK) The MDCEV modelling framework has established itself as a preferred method for modelling time allocation, with data very often collected through travel or activity diaries. [...]

TRElab seminar: “Oltre la Torino-Lione: l’analisi costi benefici dopo il 2019” – 06/12/2019

Di |2024-12-06T10:11:01+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

TRElab seminar: "Oltre la Torino-Lione: l'analisi costi benefici dopo il 2019" - 06/12/2019 Seminar: "Oltre la Torino-Lione: l'analisi costi benefici dopo il 2019" Speaker: Jérôme Massiani (Università Bicocca of Milan) The seminar will discuss the future of the cost benefit analysis of the high speed railway Turin-Lyon (the so called TAV). This is the second [...]

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