
A new dimension of participation


Aims of the project

  • Development of an original software for the creation and administration of surveys with an engaging approach
  • Use of innovative communication methods to encourage stakeholder involvement in the definition of public policies
  • Creation of original audio-visual content

To learn more click here.

Realizzato con il contrinuto di:

Progetto finanziato dall’Unione Europea con fondi POR FESR Lazio 2014-2020 nell’ambito dell’Avviso pubblico della Regione Lazio “Progetti di Gruppi di Ricerca 2020”. Lazio Innova S.p.A. – Determinazione n. G08487 del 19 luglio 2022

About us

The Transport Research Lab (TRElab) is an interdisciplinary group of academics carrying out transport research at the University of Roma Tre. TRElab is an independent, cutting-edge testing environment where academics, policy makers, entrepreneurs and citizens work together to co-create effective, efficient and sustainable transport solutions. TRElab provides data, information and knowledge to help public authorities and companies create an evidence-based context to define innovative solutions, policies and measures.
To learn more click here.

Logistics Living Lab of Rome

The Logistics Living Lab (LLL) in Rome is a participatory co-creation laboratory that aims to systematically involve public and private actors in urban logistics in Rome to create innovative and shared projects. This tool supports the implementation of the measures relating to freight transport included in the Urban Sustainable Mobility Plan of Rome. The LLL is owned by Roma Capitale, supported by the Mobility Agency (RSM), and managed by TRElab.
To learn more click here.


TRElab's activities are divided into three areas: Research, Training and Services. TRElab has documented know-how and masters the most advanced techniques both from a scientific and applied point of view to support innovative and sustainable policies and solutions.
To learn more click here.

Projects & publications

The TRElab working group participates in national and international projects, and regularly publishes works on transport, mobility and logistics. Click on the section of interest to find out more.

Scientific articles

Studies and reports






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