TRElab seminar: “Oltre la Torino-Lione: l’analisi costi benefici dopo il 2019” – 06/12/2019

Seminar: “Oltre la Torino-Lione: l’analisi costi benefici dopo il 2019″

Speaker: Jérôme Massiani (Università Bicocca of Milan)

The seminar will discuss the future of the cost benefit analysis of the high speed railway Turin-Lyon (the so called TAV). This is the second TRElab event that will focus on this topic.

The speaker will be Dr. Jérôme Massiani (Università Bicocca of Milan) and the discussant will be prof. Fabio Pasquali of the University of Roma Tre. The seminar will be presented by TRElab director Edoardo Marcucci.