ShareLab – Sharing Economy in a Living Lab

Cities are net importers of goods. Ensuring a high level of quality of life for citizens, from an economic and socio-cultural point of view, implies creating an efficient and sustainable system for distributing goods. ShareLab investigates innovative business models of sharing economy (i.e. crowdshipping) quantifying their economic, environmental and social impacts. The heterogeneity of skills that characterize the working group is enhanced through an innovative experimental working environment (i.e. living lab) that guarantees a coordinated / cooperative interaction inside and outside the group.
ShareLab will create a “complex” partnership capable of distinguishing itself in the competitive planning / acquisition of funds (for the long-term self-financing of ShareLab) and will develop a pre-operational plan for the creation of business initiatives with specific reference to the Roman context, guaranteeing the applicability to different realities.