Critical thinking – Il futuro delle supply chains dopo Covid-19
Il futuro delle supply chains dopo Covid-19 Sotto [...]
Bottleneck road congestion pricing with a competing railroad service
Bottleneck road congestion pricing with a competing railroad [...]
Individual uncertainty and the political acceptability of road pricing policies
Individual uncertainty and the political acceptability of road [...]
Logistics managers’ stated preferences for freight service attributes
Logistics managers’ stated preferences for freight service attributes [...]
Attribute cut-offs in freight service selection
Attribute cut-offs in freight service selection The paper [...]
Quality and Public Transport Service Contracts
Quality and Public Transport Service Contracts Service contracts [...]
The analysis of service quality through stated preference models and rule-based classification
The analysis of service quality through stated preference [...]
The potential demand for a urban freight consolidation centre
The potential demand for a urban freight consolidation [...]
Environmental quality and accessibility trade-offs in household residential location choice: a test of the representative member hypothesis and relative power analysis
Environmental quality and accessibility trade-offs in household residential [...]
Urban freight policies and distribution channels
Urban freight policies and distribution channels Urban areas [...]
Comparing single and joint preferences: a choice experiment on residential location in three-member householders
Comparing single and joint preferences: a choice experiment [...]
Urban freight policy innovation for Rome’s LTZ: a stakeholder perspective
Urban freight policy innovation for Rome’s LTZ: a [...]
Regional airport choice: consumer behaviour and policy implications
Regional airport choice: consumer behaviour and policy implications [...]
A Stated Ranking Experiment to Study Policy Acceptance: The Case of Freight Operators in Rome’s LTZ
A Stated Ranking Experiment to Study Policy Acceptance: The [...]
Dissecting preference heterogeneity in consumer stated choices
Dissecting preference heterogeneity in consumer stated choices This [...]
Local public transport: service quality and tendering contracts
Local public transport: service quality and tendering contracts Public [...]
Stakeholder reactions to urban freight policy innovation
Stakeholder reactions to urban freight policy innovation Urban [...]
Energy Efficiency in the Transport Sector: Policy Evolution in some European Countries
Energy Efficiency in the Transport Sector: Policy Evolution [...]
Testing for nonlinearity in the choice of a freight transport service
Testing for nonlinearity in the choice of a [...]
Multi-level governance and transport policy: the case of local roads in Italy
Multi-level governance and transport policy: the case of [...]
Intra-agent heterogeneity in urban freight distribution: the case of own-account operators
Intra-agent heterogeneity in urban freight distribution: the case of [...]
Logistics managers’ stated preferences for freight service attributes: a comparative research method analysis
Logistics managers’ stated preferences for freight service attributes: [...]
Urban freight transport policy changes: improving decision makers’ awareness via an agent-specific approach
Urban freight transport policy changes: improving decision makers’ awareness [...]
Behavioral modeling in urban freight transport
Behavioral modeling in urban freight transport Decision makers [...]
De Gustibus Disputandum Est: Non-Linearity in Public Transportation Service Quality Evaluation
De Gustibus Disputandum Est: Non-Linearity in Public Transportation Service [...]
Special Issue: Measuring Service Quality and Local Public Transport Performance
Special Issue: Measuring Service Quality and Local Public [...]
Regulating Transport in Europe
Regulating Transport in Europe This article concerns the [...]
Stakeholder-specific data acquisition and urban freight policy evaluation: evidence, implications and new suggestions
Stakeholder-specific data acquisition and urban freight policy evaluation: [...]
On finite sample performance of confidence intervals methods for willingness to pay measures
On finite sample performance of confidence intervals methods [...]
Urban freight, parking and pricing policies: an evaluation from a transport providers & perspective
Urban freight, parking and pricing policies: an evaluation [...]
The Geographies of Air Transport
The Geographies of Air Transport The book edited [...]
Investigating users’ attitudes towards conventional and automated buses in twelve European cities
Investigating users' attitudes towards conventional and automated buses [...]
Modelling individual preferences for environmental policy drivers: Empirical evidence of Italian lifestyle changes using a latent class
Modelling individual preferences for environmental policy drivers: Empirical [...]
How good are retailers in predicting transport providers’ preferences for urban freight policies?… and vice versa?How good are retailers in predicting transport providers’ preferences for urban freight policies?… and vice versa?
How good are retailers in predicting transport providers’ [...]
Behavioural implications of non-linear effects on urban freight transport policies: The case of retailers and transport providers in Rome
Behavioural implications of non-linear effects on urban freight transport [...]
A behavioral assessment of parking and pricing urban freight transport policies
A behavioral assessment of parking and pricing urban [...]
Le politiche per la mobilità urbana sostenibile. Le sfide del futuro
Le politiche per la mobilità urbana sostenibile. Le [...]
Come valutare l’accettabilità delle politiche sulla logistica urbana? Integrazione di modelli di scelta discreta e modelli basati sull’agente
Come valutare l’accettabilità delle politiche sulla logistica urbana? [...]
Measuring the effects of an urban freight policy package defined via a collaborative governance model
Measuring the effects of an urban freight policy [...]
Role-playing games as a mean to validate agent-based models: an application to stakeholder-driven urban freight transport policy-making
Role-playing games as a mean to validate agent-based [...]
Towards a decision-support procedure to foster stakeholder involvement and acceptability of urban freight transport policies
Towards a decision-support procedure to foster stakeholder involvement and [...]
Investigating the potential for off-hour deliveries in the city of Rome: Retailers’ perceptions and stated reactions
Investigating the potential for off-hour deliveries in the [...]
Smart urban freight planning process: integrating desk, living lab and modelling approaches in decision-making
Smart urban freight planning process: integrating desk, living [...]
Connected shared mobility for passengers and freight: Investigating the potential of crowdshipping in urban areas
Connected shared mobility for passengers and freight: Investigating [...]
Special Issue: Urban freight policy innovation: assessment methods
Special Issue: Urban freight policy innovation: assessment methods It [...]
Willingness to pay measures to tailor policies and foster stakeholder acceptability in urban freight transport
Willingness to pay measures to tailor policies and [...]
Analisi ex-ante dell’accettabilità e stima dello shift modale di un sistema di road pricing: il caso di Roma
Analisi ex-ante dell’accettabilità e stima dello shift modale di [...]
Sustainable crowdshipping using public transport: a case study evaluation in Rome
Sustainable crowdshipping using public transport: a case study evaluation [...]
La gamification per favorire il coinvolgimento e il cambio di comportamento degli stakeholder della logistica urbana
La gamification per favorire il coinvolgimento e il [...]
Quali sono gli effetti del pagamento del parcheggio sulla scelta modale dei lavoratori? Implicazioni sulle politiche dei trasporti
Quali sono gli effetti del pagamento del parcheggio [...]
European urban freight transport policies and research funding: are priorities and H2020 calls aligned?
European urban freight transport policies and research funding: [...]
Integrating direct and reverse logistics in a “living lab” context: evaluating stakeholder acceptability and the potential of gamification to foster sustainable urban freight transport
Integrating direct and reverse logistics in a “living lab” [...]
Special Issue: Urban policy, freight distribution and behaviour change: stakeholders’ engagement, perception and reaction
Special Issue: Urban policy, freight distribution and behaviour [...]
Planning with stakeholders: Analysing alternative off-hour delivery solutions via an interactive multi-criteria approach
Planning with stakeholders: Analysing alternative off-hour delivery solutions [...]
Special Issue: Urban freight distribution, land use planning and public administration strategies
Special Issue: Urban freight distribution, land use planning [...]
Public Transport-Based Crowdshipping for Sustainable City Logistics: Assessing Economic and Environmental Impacts
Public Transport-Based Crowdshipping for Sustainable City Logistics: Assessing [...]
Sustainable urban freight transport adopting public transport-based crowdshipping for B2C deliveries
Sustainable urban freight transport adopting public transport-based crowdshipping [...]
Crowdshipping: il potenziale di un sistema di consegna alternativo
Crowdshipping: il potenziale di un sistema di consegna [...]
Estimation of consistent Logit and Probit models using best, worst and best–worst choices
Estimation of consistent Logit and Probit models using [...]
The 2020 Italian Spring Lockdown: A Multidisciplinary Analysis over the Milan Urban Area
The 2020 Italian Spring Lockdown: A Multidisciplinary Analysis [...]
Lyon–Turin High–Speed rail project: a careful review of the past evaluations
Lyon–Turin High–Speed rail project: a careful review of [...]
Quali sono gli effetti del pagamento del parcheggio sulla scelta modale dei lavoratori? Implicazioni sulle politiche dei trasporti
I datori di lavoro spesso forniscono ai dipendenti [...]