Special Issue: Urban freight policy innovation: case studies

By |2024-12-05T20:38:59+00:00December 5th, 2024|

Special Issue: Urban freight policy innovation: case studies The main emphasis of the Special Issue is on gaining a deeper comprehension of the policies capable of influencing practices and measuring policy achievements with respect to the objectives set. This will be performed both by investigating methodological innovations as well as presenting policy relevant case studies. [...]

Special Issue: Urban freight policy innovation: assessment methods

By |2024-12-05T20:37:41+00:00December 5th, 2024|

Special Issue: Urban freight policy innovation: assessment methods It is foreseen that this Special Issue will lead to an improved understanding of the various policy assessment tools that can be used when evaluating freight systems and supply chains interventions. Marcucci E., Gatta, V., Macharis, C. (2017), “Urban freight policy innovation: assessment methods”, Research in Transportation Economics

Special Issue: Freight Behaviour Research

By |2024-12-05T20:35:26+00:00December 5th, 2024|

Special Issue: Freight Behaviour Research The importance of freight systems to modern economies and as a major source of externalities necessitates achieving a judicious balance between these important aspects. Inducing behavioural changes on the freight industry and supply chains, in general, could help jointly achieve significant reductions in the externalities produced, as well as improvements [...]

Willingness to pay measures to tailor policies and foster stakeholder acceptability in urban freight transport

By |2024-12-05T16:16:39+00:00December 5th, 2024|

Willingness to pay measures to tailor policies and foster stakeholder acceptability in urban freight transport Policy-making on Urban Freight Transport (UFT) is complex because it requires dealing with heterogeneous stakeholders with different objectives. The often unforeseen and undesired results deriving from UFT policy implementation have induced many researchers to call for an in-depth analysis of [...]

Analisi ex-ante dell’accettabilità e stima dello shift modale di un sistema di road pricing: il caso di Roma

By |2024-12-05T16:14:44+00:00December 5th, 2024|

Analisi ex-ante dell’accettabilità e stima dello shift modale di un sistema di road pricing: il caso di Roma Large cities like London, Stockholm and Milan have adopted traffic policies for their central areas based on charges applying to the inbound car traffic. The paper, after a comparative review of the most significant European experiences, offers an [...]

Sustainable crowdshipping using public transport: a case study evaluation in Rome

By |2024-12-05T16:11:55+00:00December 5th, 2024|

Sustainable crowdshipping using public transport: a case study evaluation in Rome The paper analyses the willingness to act as a crowdshipper in the case of a last mile B2C e-commerce for pick up/delivery. Specifically, it focuses on crowdshipping services deployed using the public transport network and considering passengers as crowdshippers already moving for other reasons. In [...]

La gamification per favorire il coinvolgimento e il cambio di comportamento degli stakeholder della logistica urbana

By |2024-12-05T16:07:29+00:00December 5th, 2024|

La gamification per favorire il coinvolgimento e il cambio di comportamento degli stakeholder della logistica urbana Una recente tendenza per promuovere comportamenti sostenibili nei trasporti prevede l’introduzione di tecniche di gamification, ovvero l'uso di elementi mutuati dai giochi e delle tecniche di game design in contesti non ludici. L'articolo affronta il problema del design della [...]

Quali sono gli effetti del pagamento del parcheggio sulla scelta modale dei lavoratori? Implicazioni sulle politiche dei trasporti

By |2024-12-05T16:05:34+00:00December 5th, 2024|

Quali sono gli effetti del pagamento del parcheggio sulla scelta modale dei lavoratori? Implicazioni sulle politiche dei trasporti I datori di lavoro spesso forniscono ai dipendenti un parcheggio agevolato o gratuito presso gli uffici. Ciò distorce i prezzi relativi ai tragitti casa-lavoro alternativi e produce inefficienze nel mercato dei trasporti. Per mitigare questa distorsione dei [...]

European urban freight transport policies and research funding: are priorities and H2020 calls aligned?

By |2024-12-05T16:02:00+00:00December 5th, 2024|

European urban freight transport policies and research funding: are priorities and H2020 calls aligned? The European Commission (EC) has recently developed a growing awareness and interest with respect to the challenges urban freight transport (UFT) poses. Consequently, the EC has started defining specific policies and promoted dedicated tools to address them. Transport is a shared [...]

Integrating direct and reverse logistics in a “living lab” context: evaluating stakeholder acceptability and the potential of gamification to foster sustainable urban freight transport

By |2024-12-05T15:59:01+00:00December 5th, 2024|

Integrating direct and reverse logistics in a “living lab” context: evaluating stakeholder acceptability and the potential of gamification to foster sustainable urban freight transport The chapter tests stakeholder acceptability and their likely behavior change with respect to innovative solutions for improving urban freight transport efficiency and fostering city sustainability. It presents the case of the Rome LL [...]

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