
Role-playing games as a mean to validate agent-based models: an application to stakeholder-driven urban freight transport policy-making

By |2024-12-05T20:52:18+00:00December 5th, 2024|

Role-playing games as a mean to validate agent-based models: an application to stakeholder-driven urban freight transport policy-making Agent-based models (ABMs) are widely used to replicate transport environments accounting for interaction among stakeholders. Validation of ABMs implies assessing the extent to which the model, from assumptions to results, is capable of approximating reality. To this end, [...]

La gamification per favorire il coinvolgimento e il cambio di comportamento degli stakeholder della logistica urbana

By |2024-12-05T16:07:29+00:00December 5th, 2024|

La gamification per favorire il coinvolgimento e il cambio di comportamento degli stakeholder della logistica urbana Una recente tendenza per promuovere comportamenti sostenibili nei trasporti prevede l’introduzione di tecniche di gamification, ovvero l'uso di elementi mutuati dai giochi e delle tecniche di game design in contesti non ludici. L'articolo affronta il problema del design della [...]

Integrating direct and reverse logistics in a “living lab” context: evaluating stakeholder acceptability and the potential of gamification to foster sustainable urban freight transport

By |2024-12-05T15:59:01+00:00December 5th, 2024|

Integrating direct and reverse logistics in a “living lab” context: evaluating stakeholder acceptability and the potential of gamification to foster sustainable urban freight transport The chapter tests stakeholder acceptability and their likely behavior change with respect to innovative solutions for improving urban freight transport efficiency and fostering city sustainability. It presents the case of the Rome LL [...]

A new systematic evaluation approach of On-Demand Logistics solutions

By |2024-09-04T15:13:24+00:00September 4th, 2024|

A new systematic evaluation approach of On-Demand Logistics solutions In the framework of the EU-funded LEAD project, Molde University College and TRElab members wrote On-Demand Logistics: Solutions, Barriers, and Enablers, published in the Special Issue Smart City Logistics Services and Sustainability on the journal Sustainability. The urban freight sector provides an essential service by delivering goods that are required by [...]

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