Stakeholders’ preferences

TRElab Seminar: “Modelling time allocation with discrete-continuous models”

By |2024-12-06T10:12:13+00:00December 6th, 2024|

TRElab Seminar: "Modelling time allocation with discrete-continuous models" Seminar: "Modelling time allocation with discrete-continuous models" Speaker: Chiara Calastri (Choice Modelling Centre and Institute for Transport Studies University of Leeds, UK) The MDCEV modelling framework has established itself as a preferred method for modelling time allocation, with data very often collected through travel or activity diaries. [...]


By |2024-12-06T09:59:45+00:00December 6th, 2024|

COVID-19: il diverso utilizzo dei mezzi di trasporto negli spostamenti abituali, prima, durante e dopo l’emergenza sanitaria Lo scorso 31 gennaio, in seguito alla segnalazione di un cluster di casi di polmonite in Cina, nella città di Wuhan, il Consiglio dei ministri ha deliberato lo stato di emergenza sanitaria per l’epidemia da corona virus. In [...]

Logistics managers’ stated preferences for freight service attributes

By |2024-12-06T09:51:05+00:00December 6th, 2024|

Logistics managers’ stated preferences for freight service attributes This paper reports the results of an adaptive conjoint analysis (ACA) experiment performed in two Italian regions that estimates logistics managers’ preferences for freight service attributes. Two sets of estimates have been obtained: (a) the utilities associated to each attribute level for each experiment, and (b) the [...]

Attribute cut-offs in freight service selection

By |2024-12-06T09:47:08+00:00December 6th, 2024|

Attribute cut-offs in freight service selection The paper applies the choice model incorporating attribute cut-offs proposed by [Swait, J.D., 2001. A non-compensatory choice model incorporating attribute cutoffs. Transportation Research: Part B 35 (10), 903–928] to evaluate shippers’ preferences for freight service attributes. A stated preference experiment on a sample of Italian manufacturing firms shows that [...]

The analysis of service quality through stated preference models and rule-based classification

By |2024-12-06T09:45:08+00:00December 6th, 2024|

The analysis of service quality through stated preference models and rule-based classification The analysis of quality of services is an important issue for the planning and the management of many businesses. The ability to address the demands and the relevant needs of the customers of a given service is crucial to determine its success in [...]

Comparing single and joint preferences: a choice experiment on residential location in three-member householders

By |2024-12-06T09:34:29+00:00December 6th, 2024|

Comparing single and joint preferences: a choice experiment on residential location in three-member householders There is growing evidence indicating that there can be significant differences between choices made by single individuals and those made by the same individuals when choosing collectively. This study investigates the dissimilarities between individual and joint decision making in the context [...]

Urban freight policy innovation for Rome’s LTZ: a stakeholder perspective

By |2024-12-06T09:32:24+00:00December 6th, 2024|

Urban freight policy innovation for Rome’s LTZ: a stakeholder perspective This chapter contributes to the understanding of practical issues relating to stakeholder evaluation of urban freight policies. The empirical section of the chapter presents evidence from stakeholder focus groups set in a specific and complex political and urban environment: the Limited Traffic Zone (LTZ) in [...]

Regional airport choice: consumer behaviour and policy implications

By |2024-12-06T09:30:39+00:00December 6th, 2024|

Regional airport choice: consumer behaviour and policy implications The analysis of origin airports in multi-airport regions has a well established tradition in transportation and regional economics. The main goal of the paper is to estimate the importance of the different attributes that determine origin airport choice. In our case we adopt a stated preference approach [...]

A Stated Ranking Experiment to Study Policy Acceptance: The Case of Freight Operators in Rome’s LTZ

By |2024-12-06T09:29:06+00:00December 6th, 2024|

A Stated Ranking Experiment to Study Policy Acceptance: The Case of Freight Operators in Rome’s LTZ City logistics require an understanding of a number of issues that are seldom accounted for in current research. Policies may produce unsatisfactory results because behavioural and contextual aspects are not considered. Relevant data is crucial for forecasting the reactions of [...]

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