Living Lab

ShareLab – Sharing Economy in a Living Lab

Di |2024-12-06T10:03:49+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

ShareLab - Sharing Economy in a Living Lab Cities are net importers of goods. Ensuring a high level of quality of life for citizens, from an economic and socio-cultural point of view, implies creating an efficient and sustainable system for distributing goods. ShareLab investigates innovative business models of sharing economy (i.e. crowdshipping) quantifying their economic, [...]

LLL – Introducing the second project: “Stalli tecnologici”

Di |2024-12-06T10:03:03+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

LLL - Introducing the second project: "Stalli tecnologici" The second project of the LLL of Rome concerns the promotion of technological loading areas. This is part of the plan for the development of areas of loading and unloading bays foreseen by the SUMP. The goal is the rationalization of distribution and the reorganization of loading/unloading [...]

Rome SUMP – Logistics Living Lab

Di |2024-12-06T10:02:18+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

Rome SUMP - Logistics Living Lab To pursue the objectives identified by the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of the city of Rome, the rationalization of urban logistics intends to harmonize the supply needs necessary to increase the vitality of the economy and of the society. These objectives must be achieved while guaranteeing the principle of [...]

Rome Logistics Living Lab – Cargo bike

Di |2024-12-06T10:01:31+00:00Dicembre 6th, 2024|

Rome Logistics Living Lab - Cargo bike Cargo bikes present interesting opportunities for more efficient last mile distribution. TRELab is going to test this potential in the city of Rome, within the context of the  Logistics Living Lab for the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan. The cargo bikes will be tested in areas of the city [...]

Smart urban freight planning process: integrating desk, living lab and modelling approaches in decision-making

Di |2024-12-05T20:44:36+00:00Dicembre 5th, 2024|

Smart urban freight planning process: integrating desk, living lab and modelling approaches in decision-making This paper proposes an innovative approach to decision-making processes for urban freight planning that could easily be transferred across cities while capable of jointly taking into account: (1) all the conceivable and updated urban freight transport (UFT) measures that should apply [...]

Integrating direct and reverse logistics in a “living lab” context: evaluating stakeholder acceptability and the potential of gamification to foster sustainable urban freight transport

Di |2024-12-05T15:59:01+00:00Dicembre 5th, 2024|

Integrating direct and reverse logistics in a “living lab” context: evaluating stakeholder acceptability and the potential of gamification to foster sustainable urban freight transport The chapter tests stakeholder acceptability and their likely behavior change with respect to innovative solutions for improving urban freight transport efficiency and fostering city sustainability. It presents the case of the Rome LL [...]

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